MCP Gets InnoDB Lovins

I’ve been meaning to do it for quite some time, but I finally cleaned up some of the less refined issues with the database design for Moocow Productions. Among other changes, I moved all pertinent tables to InnoDB and added foreign key constraints. Trouble is, in order to do that, …

PBXT – Getting closer!

Wooho! So I checked the PBXT SVN repository this morning and was pleasantly surprised by seeing this in the ChangeLog: RN146: Fixed a problem with TRUNCATE TABLE: a failed TRUNCATE TABLE could put the engine into an invalid state that later caused a crash This has been sort of a …

New SIDs came in, woohoo!

My new SID 6582A’s came in today! All 8 of them! I remember it was quite an ordeal to get my 1st SID chip, and to have 8 is super awesome! Of course, this is for my ShoeSID project (the name I have coined my work-in-progress MidiBox-SID). These chips have, …


Today marks the day where Rackspace is now a publicly traded company, under the ‘RAX’ symbol for the New York Stock Exchange. Though I missed it live (I tuned into the wrong damn channel), we even rang the opening bell at the NYSE! It’s pretty neat! I think it is …

Last Comic Standing, VI

So we watched the finale of Last Comic Standing, season 6. It was pretty good, but I definitely had a few gripes. First, why did they spend so many shows with the talent search, and compress the shows where they were in the house to like 2? The shenanigans in …