Second Impressions of Django

Since my first impressions of Django were generally cautiously optimistic, I opted to keep at it to see how things go. There’s still plenty to learn but so far, but the framework is turning out to be beautiful. Not necessarily simple – more like elegant. And while it is not …

Going Solar (Hopefully)

Today we had Brandon from IES come out to get a look at our home and get an idea of costs. It was the first actual visit by an installer we have had so I guess is sort of a milestone, even if it’s a small one. We have collected …

This is Stupid.

Part of me is bothered by the mere fact I even bring this up but maybe if I just throw it out there I can move on to important things. This fiasco with Chick-Fil-A is getting ridiculous. I see both sides of the argument, but using a fast food chain …

Riptide Resistor

I had meant to post this weeks ago and just realized I never finished the draft post, doh! Holidays tend to be super busy for me so sorry for those that have not seen this yet! Regardless, I am happy to report that we finished and named our contest song. …

Hello from 31,800 feet!

This is only the second time I have had the pleasure of using Wi-Fi on an aircraft. Though I know how the technology works, I still find it pretty damned amazing. It’s really high up here! At 31,000 feet, the clouds look tiny! Probably lower clouds than is possible but …