My 52 Week Photo Challenge

Happy New Year! We made it! For the first morning of the year, I woke up with an idea I wanted to do a 52 week photo challenge. Not a new idea by any means but nonetheless, here’s my “rules” : 1. Only Shot Per Week (One Exposure)2. One Camera …

First Darkroom RA4 Print

A few weeks ago I decided to just say “why not?” and give RA4 printing a shot. I had been previously waiting to get a large space (something that is in the pipeline but not quite ready yet) but when I figured out I could use my DIY rotary with …

Bridge At Eisenhower Park

Scanned the first roll shot on my Yashica Mat! I had an issue with frame 2 so I will need to run another roll through it to see if it’s my fault or perhaps something up with the camera. Other than that, the results turned out lovely! My 120 holder …

Merry Christmas!

Christmas was lovely this year. The usual material possessions were exchanged with some nice surprises. My mom gave me a dive knife, for instance, which was a total surprise! Likewise, Camden got some neat things. But I think the thing I will remember the most is what Camden said when …