Tuscon In Color (Negative)

Last week I traveled to Tuscon with the TeamSnap crew but managed to spare a little bit of time to expose some film. While I took a number of photos using Velvia 50, I’m waiting to develop those for a bit since I’ll likely be shooting Velvia next week as …

The Ranch in FP4+

A week or so ago I played around with FP4+ in 4×5 and I quite liked the results. Even so, it was only a few shots. Last Friday we went out to the ranch where I had a chance to finish the rest of my FP4+ 35mm test roll. With …

Photos from the Beach

Forgot to put these up sooner, whoops. Shot using a combination of Ektar 100, Delta 100 and Pancro 400. The Pancro turned out awfully grainy with thin negatives. In fact not even sure I put up any photos here with it. I think I did something wrong there so I …